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Riverview Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Student Council


Student council is a group of students who are chosen to represent their classmates. They help make decisions about fun activities, like school dances or spirit days, and share ideas between students and teachers. They work together to make the school a better place by listening to everyone’s ideas and helping organize events. Being part of the student council is a great way to show leadership and help make school more exciting for everyone!

A cheerful group of children seated in a room, engaging with an assortment of toys from nearby boxes.

Advisor: Mrs. Jones - Email: 



Congratulations to the following students elected for spring student council!

4th grade president: Lillie Douty

5th grade president: Olivia Martirosyan

Student body president: Whitney Love

Vice President: Steve Boktor

Secretary: Kyle Contreras

Athletic Director: Diego Velsaquez

Spirit Director: Cadence Provchy

Public Relations: Noah Flores

Student Relations: Emma Johnson