All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Qtr 1 Meeting - September 17th, 6:00pm, MPR
Qtr 2 Meeting - January 30th, 5:00pm
Qtr 3 CN Area Meeting -TBA
Qtr 4 Meeting - May 15th, 5:00pm
Benchmark Curriculum
The Benchmark curriculum includes texts from Kindergarten to 5th grade that discuss the importance of all people
Collections Curriculum
Collections includes a variety of texts for students to read that illustrate diversity and inclusion.
Our Human Relations Council (HRC) meets regularly to plan activities and events that promote positive inter-group relations and to help us learn about and celebrate our differences!
HRC Supported Student Events on Campus:
All student events will focus on developing a culture of dignity and respect for all students on campus.
HRC Supported Service Projects (n conjunction with Student Council):
Canned & Perishable Food Drive in conjunction with Clovis Rotary, benefiting the local community;
Pennies for Patients Drive
Staff Training
Riverview Elementary staff will participate in ongoing professional development devoted to multicultural and character focused education.